OpenRewrite community

Thousands of great teams and individuals working to make software seamless to update and continuously secure.

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Colorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzleColorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzleColorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzleColorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzleColorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzleColorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzle

Broad recipe marketplace of automated searches, fixes, and upgrades

OpenRewrite recipes automate security vulnerability remediations, framework migrations, code compliance and more—across a growing language and technology ecosystem.
OpenRewrite language and technology ecosystem.

Community focused on fixing and upgrading code through automation

OpenRewrite is an Apache-licensed, open-source project that offers semantic analysis and automated refactoring of code using search and transformation recipes. Recipes are expert, rules-based programs that enable accurate, automated code changes. The ever evolving and growing ecosystem of OpenRewrite recipes makes continuously updated and secure code possible.

The Moderne platform works with OpenRewrite to enable automated fixes at scale. Visualize and analyze your entire codebase, then automate the work of software modernization across repositories and teams.
Colorful, semi-transparent shapes

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Working together to build secure, maintainable software supply chains

Security Teams

Help developers fix vulnerabilities in their wide and growing surface area of code. Go a step further than reporting vulnerabilities to automatically generating PRs with a remediation. By taking action, you can eradicate vulnerabilities at scale and reduce business risk.

Framework Authors

Grow happy users by providing them with automated upgrades that help them adapt to breaking API changes. When you automate how users get to your next version, you enable them to fix vulnerabilities and leverage new features faster. Plus you reduce your support burden.

"For any framework or Java library creator, it [OpenRewrite] is a great way of creating an upgrade path for your framework, and also for forcing you to create an upgradable implementation as well."

Sergio Del Amo
Micronaut Development Lead Engineer

Development Teams

Change the narrative of technical debt in your company. Take charge by using automation to keep your codebase updated continuously. Work within the OpenRewrite community to build the best practice of issuing recipes that automatically upgrade software versions and maintain compliance.

Colorful, semi-transparent Moderne symbol breaking apart like a puzzle

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